2024 CEDIA EXPO -Event Rules and Notices

Event Name:2024 CEDIA EXPO

Event Date and Location
Date: September 5-7, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Address: 700 14th St, Denver, CO 80202, USA

Event Outline
During the 2024 CEDIA EXPO, we will host a series of interactive activities aimed at attracting customers and dealers interested in home theater products. By participating in on-site mini-games, you will not only experience our innovative products but also have the opportunity to win exquisite gifts and vouchers. Vouchers can be used for purchasing on-site exhibits or products on our website. The detailed schedule of the event is as follows:

  1. On-Site Interactive Games
    Participation Method:
    You can pre-register by visiting our website, filling in your name, phone number, email, and a brief questionnaire. Upon successful registration, you will receive a QR code as a verification credential for the on-site games.
    On-Site Registration:
    If you have not pre-registered, you can scan the QR code on our booth and banners at the exhibition, fill in the necessary information, and generate a QR code instantly. Our on-site staff will scan your QR code for verification, and once verified, you may participate in the games.
    Game Types:
    Dart Game:
    Participants have 30 seconds to throw darts, aiming to hit the high-score areas as much as possible. The participant's score will determine the value of the voucher they receive.
    Bowling Game:
    Participants will have three attempts to knock down as many pins as possible. The number of pins knocked down will determine the voucher amount. Knocking down all the pins will earn the highest voucher amount.
    Screen Height Adjustment Game:
    Participants must adjust the screen height to the optimal viewing position based on the prompts. Completing the challenge within the specified time will earn a voucher.
    Other Games:
    We will adjust other interactive games on-site based on participant numbers and conditions to ensure all participants enjoy the experience.
    Participation Conditions:
    Age Restriction:
    Only participants aged 18 and above are eligible.
    Game Attempts:
    Each participant is limited to one attempt per game to ensure fairness and avoid repeat participation.
    On-Site Adjustments:
    The organizers reserve the right to adjust game content and rules based on on-site conditions to ensure the smooth running of the event.
    Prizes and Vouchers:
    Every participant who registers and participates in the games will receive an exquisite gift.
    Vouchers of varying amounts will be awarded based on game performance. Vouchers can be used to purchase products on-site or on our website. Vouchers can be combined but are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
    Vouchers are valid for 30 days and will expire thereafter. Please use them promptly.
    Prize Collection:
    All prizes and products must be collected after the event ends. We will accept pre-orders for on-site products on a first-come, first-served basis. Vouchers are only valid during the event.
    Shipping Arrangements:
    If you select large exhibits or products that cannot be taken away immediately, we can arrange shipping services, but shipping costs must be borne by you. Shipping details can be discussed with our on-site staff.
  2. New Product Display
    At the exhibition, we will showcase several new products, which you can purchase at a 20% discount using the vouchers you win:
    • NEW 120-inch VIVIDSTORM Fully Concealed Motorized Laser TV Cabinet-DUNE-Limited Edition
      Value: $12,999
    • NEW VIVIDSTORM 120-inch Motorized Laser TV Cabinet - Milan-Limited Edition
      Value: $4,999
    • 200-inch VIVIDSTORM TITAN Obsidian Long Throw ALR Motorized Tension Floor Rising Projector Screen
      Value: $2,690
    • NEW 120-inch S FUSION ALR Motorized Tension Floor Rising Screen-Enhanced Long Throw ALR Material (0.8 Gain)
      Value: $1,560
    • 120-inch VIVIDSTORM PHANTOM Recessed In-Ceiling Motorized Tension UST ALR Projector Screen
      Value: $1,560
    • VIVIDSTORM S PRO PLUS Motorized Tension Floor Rising UST ALR Projector Screen
      Value: $1,700 (2 units)
  1. Technical and Support
    QR Code Registration System:
    To enhance the participation experience, we will place multiple QR codes for game participation on our booth and banners. Participants can pre-register online or scan the QR code on-site to register their information. Upon successful registration, they will receive a unique QR code via email, which will be used for on-site game verification. This system will effectively reduce waiting times on-site and ensure data accuracy.
    On-Site Technical Support:
    To ensure the smooth running of the event, we will have professional technical support staff on hand to address any potential technical issues, including QR code scanning problems, equipment malfunctions, etc. Our team will be available to assist at all times, ensuring that every participant can smoothly engage in the activities.
  2. Post-Event Interaction and Marketing
    Follow-Up Emails:
    After the event, we will send a thank-you email to all participants, expressing our gratitude for their support of our event. The email will include detailed instructions on how to use the vouchers, as well as information on how to redeem or purchase discounted products on our website. Additionally, the email will contain introductions to our latest products and previews of future events, so stay tuned.
    Feedback Survey:
    To continuously improve our services and events, we will invite you to complete a brief feedback survey included in the thank-you email. Your feedback is invaluable to us and will help us optimize future events and product experiences.

**Event Rules and Notices**


1. **Safety Instructions**

   **Operational Safety:** 

   All participants must read and adhere to the on-site safety instructions provided before participating in any games. Staff will conduct necessary safety demonstrations before the games begin; please follow these instructions carefully.

   **Equipment Use:** 

   The game equipment, such as darts and bowling balls, has been selected for its safety features. Do not attempt to replace or modify the equipment, as this may cause injury.

   **Venue Safety:** 

   Please be mindful of the venue layout and avoid approaching or touching the safety boundaries of the game areas. Any deliberate damage to the venue facilities or equipment will result in disqualification from participation.

2. **Fairness and Transparency**

   **Clear Rules:** 

   All game rules, scoring standards, and prize distribution methods are clearly displayed on-site. Participants must fully understand the rules before engaging in any game. Failure to comply with the rules will result in the participant's score being invalidated.

   **Supervision and Management:** 

   Each game will be supervised by dedicated staff. Any form of cheating will be immediately stopped, and the participant involved will be disqualified.

   **Prize Distribution:** 

   Prizes will be distributed based on game performance and on a first-come, first-served basis. Prizes are limited, and the order of collection is subject to the actual situation. The event organizers reserve the final interpretation of prize distribution.

3. **Cultural and Social Sensitivity**

   **Cultural Respect:** 

   This event aims to create an inclusive and harmonious atmosphere. Please respect the cultural backgrounds and personal beliefs of other participants. Any behavior or remarks involving sensitive topics such as gender, culture, or religion are strictly prohibited.

   **Neutral Expression:** 

   The language, symbols, and prizes used during the event have been carefully selected to avoid any content that may cause misunderstanding or offense. Any inappropriate behavior will be corrected immediately.

4. **Legal and Compliance**

   **Legal Participation:** 

   This event does not involve any form of gambling. Prizes are set reasonably and are intended to promote interactive experiences rather than the distribution of cash or high-value items.

   **Intellectual Property:** 

   All images, music, videos, and other materials used during the event are legally authorized or free from copyright restrictions. Participants are responsible for any unauthorized use of content.

   **Privacy Protection:** 

   The personal information provided by participants during registration will be strictly protected and used solely for this event and subsequent marketing promotions. It will not be disclosed to third parties. Participants have the right to request the deletion of their personal information or unsubscribe from future promotions at any time.

5. **Participant Experience**

   **Waiting Time:** 

   To ensure a good experience for all participants, we will implement effective queuing and participation management measures on-site. Please be patient during peak times; our staff will do their best to arrange for you to participate in the games as soon as possible.

   **Simplified Process:** 

   All game rules are designed to be simple and easy to understand. Staff will provide necessary guidance before the game begins to ensure that all participants can engage smoothly.

   **Resource Allocation:** 

   We will increase the number of staff and equipment based on the actual situation on-site to meet the needs during peak times. In the event of equipment failure or force majeure causing an interruption, we will make every effort to arrange remedial measures.

6. **Environmental Protection and Social Responsibility**

   **Environmental Awareness:** 

   This event advocates environmental protection. Please cooperate by using the recycling bins provided on-site and reducing the use of paper promotional materials. We encourage the use of electronic information and QR code scanning to minimize paper waste.

   **Gift Selection:** 

   All gifts have been carefully selected, prioritizing environmental sustainability. If you need more information, please contact the on-site staff to learn more about our environmental measures.

7. **Emergency Response Measures**

   **Emergency Exits:** 

   Please note the location of emergency exits and safety passages at the venue. In case of an emergency, follow the instructions of the on-site security personnel for orderly evacuation.

   **Emergency Contact:** 

   If any emergency occurs during the event, you can contact on-site staff or dial the emergency contact number: +86-15112427088

8. **Health and Hygiene**

   **Preventive Measures:** 

   Given the current health conditions, we will provide hand sanitizer at our booth. Participants should use hand sanitizer before and after participating in games. If you feel unwell, please inform the staff immediately and refrain from participating.

   **Hygiene Management:** 

   All game equipment will be cleaned and disinfected after each round to ensure hygiene and safety. Participants should avoid sharing personal items; if necessary, please request individual equipment or tools from the staff.

9. **Prize Use and Responsibility**

   **Prize Disclaimer:** 

   The prizes provided in this event are for personal use only. Any risks or liabilities arising from the use of the prizes are solely the responsibility of the winner. We recommend that winners carefully read the product instructions and use the prizes according to the suggested purpose and method.


   Vouchers and prizes are non-transferable and non-saleable. Any attempt to transfer or sell the vouchers or prizes will render them invalid.

10. **Photo and Video Usage**

   **Event Recording:** 

   Photos and videos will be taken during the event for documentation. These materials may be used for future promotions, reports, or social media marketing. If you do not wish to be photographed or have your image used, please inform the staff before the event begins.

   **Authorization Statement:** 

   Participation in this event constitutes your consent for the organizers to use your photos or videos. The organizers commit not to use these materials for any purpose other than commercial activities related to the event.

11. **Cancellation and Changes**

   **Event Cancellation:** 

   If the event is canceled due to force majeure (e.g., natural disasters, public emergencies), the organizers will notify all registered participants via email or SMS. The handling of vouchers or prizes in the event of cancellation will be communicated separately.

   **Rule Changes:** 

   The organizers reserve the right to adjust or change the event rules based on actual circumstances. Any changes will be notified to participants in advance and prominently displayed on-site. Game results and prize collections already determined will be handled according to the original rules.

12. **Liability and Obligations**

   **Voluntary Participation:** 

   Participation in this event is entirely voluntary. The organizers are not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may arise from participating in the event. Participants are responsible for the safekeeping of their personal belongings during the event. The organizers are not liable for any loss or damage to personal items.


   The organizers are not liable for any registration failures, game interruptions, or data errors caused by network issues, equipment problems, or other technical reasons. In the event of force majeure or technical issues during the event, the organizers will assist in resolving the situation but will not be liable for any delays or losses caused.

13. **Participant Code of Conduct**

   **Courtesy and Respect:** 

   All participants are expected to maintain courtesy and respect towards other participants and staff during the event. Any form of harassment, insult, or inappropriate behavior will result in immediate disqualification and may lead to the participant being asked to leave the event.

   **Cooperative Spirit:** 

   Participants should adhere to the spirit of cooperation during the event, respecting others' participation opportunities and time. If necessary, please communicate actively with staff to create a positive event atmosphere.

14. **Equipment Damage and Compensation**

   **Equipment Use:** 

   Participants must use event equipment correctly according to the staff's instructions. Any damage to equipment caused by deliberate or improper use will be the participant's responsibility.

   **Compensation Responsibility:** 

   If a participant's actions result in damage to event equipment, booth facilities, or others' property, the organizers have the right to seek reasonable compensation from the participant.

15. **Final Interpretation Rights**

   **Final Interpretation:** 

   The final interpretation rights of this event belong to HUIZHOU VIVIDSTORM FILM AND TELEVISION EQUIPMENT CO., LTD.