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glas-slavonije.hr:TEST VIVIDSTORM S ELECTRIC TENSION-Platno za uživanje u pravom kućnom kinu

by ZhouQiaoli 26 Jul 2022 0件のコメント

Thanks for sharing, the original text is from: https://www.glas-slavonije.hr/499390/23/Platno-za-uzivanje-u-pravom-kucnom-kinu

Platno za uživanje u pravom kućnom kinu


Vividstorm S Electric Tension

Vividstorm platna posebna su po tome što su motorizirana, odnosno - dovoljno je platno uključiti u utičnicu i spremni ste

Kupili ste projektor, no bez visokokvalitetnog platna on je tek polovično rješenje za istinsko uživanje u filmskim, sportskim i drugim sadržajima koje biste gledali.

Još od pojave prvih projektora na tržištu se nalaze i visokokvalitetna projekcijska platna. Vjerojatno najveću pogrešku čine kupci koji kupovanjem kvalitetnog projektora zanemare kvalitetu platna za projekciju. Zbog analogije, ovaj propust jednak je vožnji sportskog automobila s probušenom gumom – dakle, rezultati su poražavajući. Stoga, ako već posjedujete vrhunski projektor ili planirate njegovu kupnju, planirajte i kupnju vrhunskog platna, a upravo vjerojatno jedno od najboljih projekcijskih platna imali smo prilike i testirati. Riječ je o Vividstorm motoriziranim platnima koja će vam osim kvalitete prikaza dati i nevjerojatnu dozu luksuza.

Odabir platna

Danas je vjerojatno lakše no ikada prije imati pravo kućno kino. Današnji projektori, poput modela Epson EF-12, dolaze kao moćni sve-u-jedan uređaji koji osim projektora dolaze i s Android TV operacijskim sustavom te moćnim ozvučenjem. S Androidom i hrpom streaming servisa filmovi, serije i sportski sadržaji su tu, a ugrađeno Yamaha ozvučenje zasluženo je za dojmljiv zvuk. Doslovce jedina stvar koja vam još treba je kvalitetno platno. Iako je na tržištu dostupno štošta, pravi znalci birat će samo najbolje, a upravo među najbolje ubraja je tvrtka Vividstorm, koja se specijalizirala za proizvodnju projekcijskih platna. No Vividstorm platna posebna su po tome što su motorizirana. Dakle, nemamo nikakve komplicirane instalacije i muke s naborima na platnu. Dovoljno je platno uključiti u utičnicu i spremni ste. Vividstorm nudi dvije glavne kategorije svojih platna, a to su platna koja se izvlače odozdo te ona koja se izvlače odozgo. To je bitno jer ćete time najbolje uklopiti platno u svoj prostor. Primjerice, nekima će spuštanje platna sa stropa biti bolja opcija, dok će drugima koji možda imaju visoki strop ili platno žele prenositi bolja opcija biti platna koja se izvlače od poda. Kad odredite koja vam je opcija prikladnija, vrijeme je za izbor odgovarajućeg platna.

Ako mislite da su ova platna tek običan komad neke plahte, itekako se varate. Krenut ćemo od projektora jer o njemu ovisi i platno koje birate. Vividstorm nudi platna za projektore s ultrakratkom projekcijom kod kojih se okolno svjetlo ne reflektira od platna (ALR) te je projicirana slika u tom slučaju i u dnevnim uvjetima odlična. Za uobičajene projektore koji sliku projiciraju s veće udaljenosti postoji nekoliko različitih vrsta platna, a mi smo se s obzirom na karakteristike našeg Epson EF-12 projektora odlučili za materijal White Cinema. To platno, kako mu i ime govori, simulira upravo platno kakvo viđamo u pravim kinodvoranama, a najbolje će biti za projekcije u mračnim prostorijama i s projektorima do 1.8000 ANSI Lumena, što savršeno odgovara karakteristikama našeg Epsona. Osim platna koje ne reflektira ambijentalno svjetlo (ALR), postoje još i platna s izuzetno velikom refleksijom svjetla (tzv. High Gain platna) te perforirana platna koja omogućavaju postavu ozvučenja iza platna.

elika dijagonala

Dijagonale Vividstorm platna idu od 72 inča (183 cm) pa sve do monstruoznih 150 inča (381 cm). Mi smo se odlučili za neku zlatnu sredinu odabirom dijagonale od 100 inča (254 cm) i izvlačenjem platna odozdo. S više od 2,5 metara dijagonale dobili smo zaslon koji će u bilo kojem dnevnom boravku stvoriti dojam pravog kina kod kuće, a opet, s druge strane, moći ćemo i prema potrebi prenijeti platno. Nakon narudžbe paket stiže za 10-ak dana, a onda slijedi onaj "wow" efekt. Vividstorm S Electric Tension Floor Screen White Cinema, što je puni naziv tog platna, stiže u masivnom metalnom kućištu, a tek po viđenju uživo postajemo svjesni ove velike dijagonale. U paketu stižu dva daljinska upravljača te USB modul koji kod nekih projektora omogućava automatsko izvlačenje platna s uključivanjem platna. Trenutak kada platno samo izlazi iz metalnog kućišta je vrijeme kada svi ostaju bez teksta. Mehanizam, kvaliteta izrade i opći dojam na razini su kakvu smo do sada mogli gledati u nekom od filmova o Jamesu Bondu. Dovoljno je samo još postaviti projektor na odgovarajuću udaljenost i opremiti se kokicama za pravi osjećaj kina, ali kod kuće!



Vividstorm S Electric Tension

Vividstorm S Electric Tension Vividstorm canvases are special in that they are motorized, that is - it is enough to plug the canvas into the socket and you are ready


You bought a projector, but without a high-quality screen, it is only a half-baked solution for truly enjoying movies, sports and other content that you would like to watch.

Ever since the appearance of the first projectors, there have been high-quality projection screens on the market. Probably the biggest mistake is made by customers who, by purchasing a quality projector, neglect the quality of the projection screen. By way of analogy, this omission is the equivalent of driving a sports car with a flat tire – so the results are devastating. Therefore, if you already own a high-end projector or plan to buy one, plan to buy a high-quality screen, and it is probably one of the best projection screens we have had the opportunity to test. We are talking about Vividstorm motorized canvases, which, in addition to the quality of the display, will also give you an incredible dose of luxury.

Selection of canvas

Nowadays, it is probably easier than ever before to have a real home theater. Today's projectors, such as the Epson EF-12 model, come as powerful all-in-one devices that, in addition to the projector, also come with the Android TV operating system and powerful sound system. With Android and a bunch of streaming services, movies, series and sports content are there, and the built-in Yamaha sound system deserves an impressive sound. Literally the only thing you still need is a quality canvas. Although there is a lot available on the market, real connoisseurs will choose only the best, and the company Vividstorm, which specializes in the production of projection screens, is among the best. But Vividstorm canvases are special in that they are motorized. So we don't have any complicated installations and hassles with creases on the canvas. It is enough to plug the canvas into the socket and you are ready. Vividstorm offers two main categories of its canvases, bottom-pull and top-pull canvases. This is important because this way you will best fit the canvas into your space. For example, for some, lowering the canvas from the ceiling will be a better option, while for others who may have a high ceiling or want to transfer the canvas, a better option will be canvases that are pulled from the floor. Once you have determined which option is more suitable for you, it is time to choose the appropriate canvas.

If you think that these canvases are just a simple piece of a sheet, you are very wrong. We will start with the projector because the screen you choose also depends on it. Vividstorm offers screens for projectors with ultra-short projection where ambient light is not reflected from the screen (ALR) and the projected image is excellent in that case even in daytime conditions. For common projectors that project the image from a greater distance, there are several different types of canvas, and considering the characteristics of our Epson EF-12 projector, we decided on the White Cinema material. That screen, as its name suggests, simulates exactly the screen we see in real movie theaters, and it will be best for projections in dark rooms and with projectors up to 1,8000 ANSI Lumens, which perfectly matches the characteristics of our Epson. In addition to canvases that do not reflect ambient light (ALR), there are also canvases with extremely high light reflection (the so-called High Gain canvases) and perforated canvases that enable the installation of sound systems behind the canvases.

electric diagonal


The diagonals of Vividstorm canvases go from 72 inches (183 cm) all the way up to a monstrous 150 inches (381 cm). We decided on some golden mean by choosing a 100 inch (254 cm) diagonal and pulling the canvas from the bottom. With a diagonal of more than 2.5 meters, we got a screen that will create the impression of a real cinema at home in any living room, and yet, on the other hand, we will be able to transfer the screen if necessary. After the order, the package arrives in about 10 days, and then the "wow" effect follows. Vividstorm S Electric Tension Floor Screen White Cinema, which is the full name of this screen, arrives in a massive metal case, and only after seeing it live do we become aware of this large diagonal. The package comes with two remote controls and a USB module that, with some projectors, enables the screen to be pulled out automatically when the screen is turned on. The moment when the canvas just comes out of the metal case is the moment when everyone is speechless. The mechanism, quality of production and general impression are at the level we could see so far in one of the James Bond films. All you have to do is place the projector at a suitable distance and equip yourself with popcorn for a true cinema feeling, but at home!

#slimline motorized tension #100ft #xgimi halo #short trow #100 inch projected

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